Thursday, October 18, 2012

Crane's Thing #12

Well, this class has finally gotten me around to look at all of those extra buttons that are listed at the top of my gmail account.  The two that I like the best are Google Calendar and Google Drive.  The advantage of Google Calendar is it interfaces so well with so many mobile devices and it can be shared with one or more individuals.  My wife and I have now integrated our calendars so we can better organize and coordinate our time to prevent conflicts.  It operates in real time so there is no lag from when you update it to when your shared parties (my wife in this case) will see your updates.  I also like how you can color code your time to categorize your activities.  I have work, school, and personal/family time commitments on my calendar.  This could easily be used in education to have several school categories to organize your day.  You could divide your day up by subject material or administrative versus teaching activities.

Google Drive looks like an amped up version of Google Docs, which I have used in school to fascilitate group projects.  This tool also allows you to have your work always backed up, and you can access your files anywhere there is an internet connection.  Now, with Google Drive, you can include video and audio files to your personal cloud, and it allows for better management and organization of your data.  As a teacher, you could have lesson plans or PowerPoint presentations on your Google Drive as a backup system or in case you forget your thumb-drive. 

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