Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Crane's Thing #20

I love Youtube!  Although I clearly recognize that most of what is on Youtube! is time-wasting drivel, I find myself regularly going to it as a useful resource.  I have used it to many things from learning how to chop down a tree with a chainsaw (always good to see someone else you one of those things first, even if on-line), fix stuff around the house, and bring up old music videos.

I know I would like to use video clips from Youtube! like the one above in my History class.  I understand many school districts block Youtube!, but you can find the video clips you want, and then covert them.  I also thought that the List capability could be very useful if you were trying to compile a series of related video clips.  Students like to watch videos, so why not give them something worthwhile, yet short enough not to detract from your lesson.

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