Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Crane's Thing #15

I was very interested in learning more about wikis since the only wiki I ever heard of was wikipedia.  I really liked the concept of wikis as was described on the Youtube tutorial where friends collaborated on what they would need to take on a camping trip.  The process of Edit, modify, then SAVE seemed simple enough, as well.  However, I was very confused when I clicked on the APSU 23 Things Sandbox page.  I easily found the Edit button, but it required a password.  Also, there were lists of folders with some having files and others not.  I tried to add or modify to the list of files, but was not able to.  So, although the idea of wikis are intersting, this exercise did not seem to be helpful to me.

I do see how wikis can be used in the classroom with group projects.  This could be students gathering supplies for a presentation or creating a wiki page to create a themed collage on recently learned concept. 

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