Monday, September 3, 2012

Crane's Thing #3

How can I use a blog during my teaching career?  In my post for Thing #2, I already wrote how have taken the perspective of a public journal.  In this way, I can share my ideas and reactions to what I am learning in class.  By making this blog public, I not only receive credit for the class, but I can receive feedback from my fellow students.  I feel that this perspective would be an excellent use of a blog by interacting with other teachers in my field. 

I can also envision myself using a blog to better engage my students in the classroom.  A simple way to use the blog would be to inform or remind students of important lesson material.  Another way could be to use a blog as a discussion board.  The post-then-comment format of the blog allows time for more reflective contributions from students.  The topics of the post could range from simple discussions to elaborate on the unit being learned to enhancing a lesson.  An enhanced lesson could take the form of Problem Based Learning where I would post a problem that requires cooperation to solve, then the students would collaborate using the comments section.

Regardless, I must always remember my students' access to a computer before I could use a blog for any type of learning activity. 


  1. I love your idea of creating a Problem Based Learning exercise for your students on a blog! I think that kids would have a great time throwing around ideas, solving problems, and thinking analytically. Growing up, I always had to do paper and pencil exercises and those became very tedious. Thank goodness for new technology.

  2. Thanks for your comments. I know when technology is mentioned in education, it always seems to be centered on what is available to the teacher. I think this may be a way where we can get the students access to classroom technology.

  3. Your last point about access to computers is a good point that I feel gets overlooked when discussing the benefits of technology. While advances in technology certainly have a place in the classroom, it's important to remember that access to a certain piece of technology may not be available or feasible for all students.

  4. I think you made a good point in that using blogging as a teaching tool will alloow greater reflection time for students. That is certainly true and something that I didn't really think about. Keeping students' access to computers and the internet in mind is especially important. I mentioned that in my blog as well. A blog page is very useful, but only if the students can access it. I also liked your comment in an early post about treating the blog like a journal. I think it is one in many ways. However, it is better as other individuals can comment and add to the topic.

  5. I think it is important you considered that not all students will have access to computers. Unless you have a scheduled time you take your students to a computer lab, not all the students/parents will have the benefits of viewing the blog.
